Site Selectors: Greater Beloit’s GIS Planning Tool Helps Find Area Talent and Education
14 Sep 2022
When it comes to attracting and retaining talent, Greater Beloit’s GIS Planning Tool is a helpful resource. The GIS Planning Tool identifies the higher education institutions within a designated radius you select, making it possible to determine the exact location of schools and the degrees they confer on graduates.
GIS Planning Tool Helps Highlight Higher Education Opportunities in Greater Beloit
Using the GIS Planning Tool, you can create custom reports with all the information you need about talent and education in Greater Beloit. Learn more about the top universities in the area, and about the programs offered. You can even find out how many students graduate with each degree each year to help with workforce planning, training, and retraining.
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Source: Beloit Daily News
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Source: Beloit Daily News
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