Beloit Historical Society Seeking Proposals to Purchase & Repurpose Hanchett-Bartlett Homestead
29 Mar 2023
Source: Beloit Historical Society
The Beloit Historical Society (BHS), Beloit, Wisconsin will be receiving proposals for the abovenoted project until 4 PM, May 15, 2023. Proposals must be submitted in electronic format (email/pdf or flash drive preferred) with five (5) printed hard copies mailed or delivered to:
Beloit Historical Society Attn: Donna Langford, Executive Director 845 Hackett St. Beloit, WI 53511 Email:
The BHS reserves the right to reject any and all proposals not judged to be in the best interest of the BHS.
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS - Hanchett-Bartlett Homestead Site
Date of Request: March 24, 2023
Project Title: Hanchett-Bartlett Homestead Site
Site Open House: April 7, 2023, from 9:00 AM until Noon
Submittal Due: 4 PM Local Time, May 15, 2023. There will not be a public opening for this RFP.
Late Proposals: Any proposal received by the BHS after the exact time and date specified will not be considered.
Submittal Format: Five (5) Paper Copies and One (1) Electronic File (email/pdf or flash drive preferred) of the proposal is to be submitted for evaluation by the BHS. Label submittal: Hanchett-Bartlett Site Proposal
Submit to: Beloit Historical Society Attn: Donna Langford, Executive Director 845 Hackett St. Beloit, WI 53511 Email:
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